New Balance China Fake 997.5 4877BN 390600 Original

It should be made in vietnam not china.

China is fake vietnam and us are original. newbalance v=WUAPcWgLPFw

This link wil tell you if your new balance is original or not

I see you rocking those Versace shades in the middle of the Salt Lake Desert 🔥I don’t

have a ton of experience with New Balance shoes but the aesthetic and technology in

those definitely look interesting; New Balance China Fake. Although comfort is not usually my main concern when buying shoes (lol) I would

want shoes that are comfortable if I’m going to do all of that hiking and walking

around so good to know that these were just average. I think the colorway is very

fitting for outdoors/hiking activities but I would have a hard time styling them

in casual settings 😅😅 will we see some more Utah footage in the future though?

I got the precision 5, the PG5s, and kyrie lows, the re dreamer also pretty much

all the sneakers I have hooped with outdoor have been fine I play in two outdoor

leagues haven’t had no issues even wearing worn down old shoes also the reebok

kamikaze lows are good but they wear down fast since reebok really uses original


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